F.E.A.R Face Everything & RISE


So, when was the last time YOU did something that was OUTSIDE of your norm?

Recently, I did something exciting yet different, scary, and uncomfortable. I went on my first solo beach trip & to my surprise it was very fulfilling!! The beach is one of my most favorite places to BE. And honestly it’s the ONE thing that relieves stress for me. The sound of the waves and the spontaneous breezes that come and sweep across my face is what I LIVE for at the beach!

My #Happy Place

Okay, so let me back up and give you all the DEETS! For a while, I had been craving the tranquility of what the beach brings to my spirit. Every time I went to plan a trip, there was always something stopping me. I seemed to ALWAYS have some excuse for why I couldn’t plan this wonderful beach day for myself. Usually there would be these RANDOM thoughts that would spring up in my mind and say something along the lines of:

  1. I DON’T want to go alone.
  2. The weather is NOT perfect to go to to the beach today.
  3. I DON’T have anyone to Go with ME.

Now, every now and then, the idea of traveling alone crosses my mind BUT quickly fades away as soon as I begin to think about ALL of the reasons why I don’t need to travel alone. The risks involved, my personal safety, the fear of being LONELY, and that AWKWARD feeling of eating out alone. And did I mention the fear of being lonely???? Do you see what’s happening here? I became PARALYZED with anxiety and that guy we all know by the name of F.E.A.R. Fear is our body’s natural response. When we feel that we are in danger, we do whatever we can to protect ourselves. But in my case, this type of fear was stopping me from living my best life.


Don’t let your FEARS stop you from #Growing and #Thriving.

-Yolanda J

My Inner Thoughts

When I woke up Saturday morning, I thought to myself, “This weather is beautiful! It’s the perfect day to go to the beach!” Then I felt my same “OLD” thinking pattern creeping its way back in. It was basically TRYING to hold me back once again. But this time, I didn’t let my familiar REPETITIVE cycle of thoughts stop me. I heard that inner voice telling me, “Girl….stop waiting on other people’s timetable. Do something different for once and just GO!!!”. And I did JUST THAT. I packed my cooler & tote bag and headed out the DOOR.

Headed to the beach! 🏖 🌴

Did I mention that I ONLY live 2 hours away from this lovely place called the B.E.A.C.H. So going on a random trip to the beach was actually NOT as hard as I was making it. The problem was ME…I was holding myself back from DOing the things that I WANTED TO #DO.

For hours, I actually enjoyed being in my OWN company. I soaked up some sun, enjoyed the scenery, but hunny, I’m NOT gonna LIE.. I was BAKING lol!!!This heat down here is something serious! I also strolled along the beach shore, chatted with a few locals, and CAPTURED EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL that I saw. I even built up a little courage to ask a random stranger to take a picture of me without being such a hassle.

It was awkward at first because the introvert in me just didn’t want to do it. And even though the pictures didn’t come out the way I had envisioned, I’m still glad I gave it a shot anyway because I was able to strike up a conversation afterwards. Long story short, the lady just so happened to be a solo traveler as well.


See… my first experience as a solo traveler wasn’t bad as I had originally thought it would be. Honestly, I will consider doing it again. I learned that COURAGE was not the Absence of F.E.A.R, but the TRIUMPH over it! -Nelson Mandela

So #Believe in YOURSELF

9 times out of 10, the problems that we CREATE in our minds don’t happen anyway.

-Yolanda J


Allow my experience to SHOW you that FEAR can be overcome! DON’T LET FEAR HOLD YOU BACK from doing the things that YOU want to do. If the fear that you’re facing is too BIG TO CONQUER, I encourage you to EMBRACE IT. Do doing something small until you develop the confidence and the momentum that you need to keep moving forward. Soon, you’ll find yourself growing as a person, DISCOVERING new things about yourself, and meeting new people who are doing the very EXACT same thing that YOU are doing.

Just remember… If it doesn’t scare you, it doesn’t CHALLENGE YOU!

#Stretch Yourself

Until Next TIME! Sending HUGS and LOVE your way as ALWAYS!

Walking in my PURPOSE on PURPOSE

-Yolanda J 🧡

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