Why I Stopped Blogging

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It’s been a minute since I’ve written my last blog post…almost a whole year to be exact…and I cannot BELIEVE how fast time is flying! I’ve missed sharing my random stories and I’ve certainly missed you all! I hope everything is going well and that life is treating you GRAND!

Okay, I know what you are thinking… CHILE, where have YOU BEEN HIDING?

In all honesty, I have been meaning to keep my blog updated with NEW content at least every now and then but then life got in the way, and I found myself too busy to manage my blog. LIFE has really been LIFE-ING!

Have you ever felt like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do the things that you really want to do because you have so many RESPONSIBILITIES & obligations that it feels like there’s not a lot of time for ME time.


I have been so busy with #LIFE between work & grad school that I haven’t had MUCH TIME for anything else. My days have been packed, but I’m learning so much and it’s been worth the effort.

Just last year during the Christmas holidays, I PROMISED myself that I would write a blog post. I had some topics in mind and was excited to share them with you all. But yeah, you guessed it… I procrastinated and made excuses every day for why I hadn’t started writing yet. Before I knew it, the holidays were over, and I still hadn’t typed a single word. I had broken a promise to MYSELF and became frustrated. I knew that I had missed an opportunity to write a new blog to #RE+CONNECT with y’all.

I stopped blogging for a minute but, not a day went by that I didn’t think about Twenty-Two New Things.

I often would find myself thinking about what I would write about if I had the time. Blogging had brought me a sense of connection with others that I missed, and I CERTAINLY missed hearing people say, “I’m so glad that you shared your story”.

I knew that I wanted to get back into this space of encouraging & inspiring others to be their best version of them. So, I made a plan that the next time I was on break, I would make it A PRIORITY to write a few blogs to make up for lost times. I also made a plan to Re+VISIT my WHY to remind myself of the reason I STARTED blogging in the first place. And that is to share my thoughts & experiences to #inspire YOU to think differently and move courageously through your life’s JOURNEY.

It’s A MUST.

Sometimes life gets in the way, and we tend to forget the very thing we once had a PASSION for.

-Yolanda J

Maybe you’re not a blogger like me, but whatever it is, I ENCOURAGE YOU to take the time to Re+CONNECT with your passions and get back into the things you love.

It may be a CHALLENGE at first but trust me it is definitely worth re+connecting with your PURPOSE.

You’ll feel very proud of yourself at the END.

But just remember WHY you started! You’re halfway there. Because really that’s ALL the motivation that you need to get back to the place you USED TO BE.

So now, I’M BACK & I plan to continue my blogging journey for as long as I AM able. I AM excited to #SHARE new content with YOU ALL!

Until NEXT time…

Check OUT Gratitude by Londrelle


Yolanda J🧡

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